Now here I am 3+ years later, not out of the darkness completely, but not consumed by it either. I've been trying to find a way to collect my thoughts in a coherent enough way to get them published; to maybe become a light for other dads that are struggling to escape the black pit of darkness that surrounds a man when he feels completely helpless, completely useless to his family.
No, I'm not in the light yet, but I can see it. There are days when I think I'm filled with it. It burns brighter than it has in years. That's something. My little sister recently started blogging and I think her words and knowing her story has helped me to focus a little bit more on the light. We have that kind of relationship. We know each other really well, and we feel, we emote in a very similar way. Her writing, her bravery, her passion has inspired me. So, am I done writing? No, I don't believe I am. I believe I'm just getting started. I have a lot to "say". Maybe some of it will be enlightened.